Empty Spaces
The more we allow our time to spent in empty spaces the more empty space we have in our lives.
Draining our mind. Our thoughts. Muting the inner dialogue. Silencing cries and ponderings and questions. Pacification. Complacency. Survival.
Joy is not a silent emotion.
Grace is not biting our tongue.
Triumph is not earned with the aid of distraction.
Emptiness is a placeholder for failure. For the minimal. It shelters your burdens, grief, confusion, disappointment, fear, insecurity. Emptiness serves no man. Emptiness is absence not fullness.
The moon returns faithfully night after night bearing differing shades of her reassuring glow and marking the vast expanse of space with stillness and peace. No two days are quite the same; she moves in rhythm reflecting her circumstance. And so are we. Day in and day out our light is bold or a sliver of a remnant ever present and faithful in any given form because the reflection is only what we see and the true form is never changing.
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