Please and Thank You
I wake up grateful every single day. I also wake up tired, irritated that it's 2 hours earlier than my circadian rhythm wants. I usually have a running list in my head that's longer than I'd ever be able to accomplish in a day, let alone 3 days. I have diapers to change, breakfast to make, dogs to feed, all before I drink coffee. If I were to write down everything I do in a day you would sit back and think, "wow, that sucks". It doesn't. Well, it does, a little. You dont want my life. I am tired and I am always needed and although I have learned to become an opportunist with personal time I don't always get what I want. I do protect my sleep as much as possible and I steal as many pleasurable moments I can; snuggles, coffee, getting lost in something absolutely meaningless, whatever fun comes my way.
I made sacrifices for this life. I continue to make them every single day. Most of them financial. Most of them keep me tied to my home rather than the world of "productive adults" (lol because I am SO busy). I live a sweet life and I am thankful for every moment.
You do not have to be where you want in order to be overflowing with gratitude. I mean like OVERFLOWING fall on your face weeping gratitude. You do not have to have nice things, a conflict free home life, or all the answers. I have none of those things. Gratitude is a choice. It is an outlook you choose. You don't have to be thankful. You don't have to be happy....but you can be. You can say "thank you" every single day. You can seek out every single tiny little thing in your life that is good....or even kinda good...or just not bad. Focus on those things and say thank you. When you're frustrated, when you're broke, when people are awful, find something to be grateful for. The baloney will never go away. You cannot control what people do, or aspects of your income, you control your mind. Let it go. The darkness does not define you and it has no right to consume your life.
I have another day to grow, to love, and to enjoy all I have been given.
All is well.
love and blessings,
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